Jeff Nippard Full Body Workout Program (Complete Review)

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You’re probably thinking, “Ugh, not another full-body workout.” You’ve been on a split routine for months (or even years) and the last thing you want to do is go backward, right?

Full-body routines definitely get an unfair reputation. But, this routine by powerlifting legend Jeff Nippard might just be what changes your mind about them for good.

So, is this the routine that’ll dig you out of your plateau and maximize your gains like never before? Keep reading to find out!

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About the Creator – Jeff Nippard

Thanks to YouTube and Instagram, Jeff Nippard has become the face of bodybuilding for the younger generation. And, for a pretty good reason too!

Here’s his backstory.

Nippard’s success in the fitness industry started in 2012 when he was 22 years old, earning the title of “Mr. Junior Canada.” Two years later, he went on to set the Canadian bench press record.

But, his success in powerlifting extends far past the gym—it also brought him to the classroom.

Jeff Nippard has a degree in biochemistry and, based on the workout programs that he publishes, it’s clear that he has a concise understanding of exercise principles.

You can bet that he’s the real deal.

This bodybuilding coach has over 2 million subscribers on YouTube with over 194 million views in total. And, if you still doubt this guy’s advice, here’s a look at his best lifts.

  • Squat: 502 pounds
  • Bench Press: 336 pounds
  • Deadlift: 518 pounds

To really put the nail in the coffin, Jeff Nippard is 100% drug-free. So, whatever advice he’s putting out there, you know it can potentially work for you.

What is Jeff Nippard’s High Frequency Full Body Workout Program?

Jeff nippard high frequency full body program image

Many people assume that full-body workouts are purely for beginners looking to see noob gains and pack on muscle mass quickly. But, Jeff Nippard’s High-Frequency Full Body Program is actually meant for intermediates.

Nippard suggests that anybody trying this routine has at least two years of serious training under their belt.

And, those two years need to be legit training, not just randomly lifting weights here and there.

Now for the goal of this routine.

This high-frequency routine is meant to shock your muscles with a brand new training style. And, in the process, you should be able to dig yourself out of stalls or plateaus.

If you want to get jacked, this routine should be an option.

Check out Jeff Nippard’s High Frequency Full Body Program

Jeff Nippard’s Full Body Workout Program Details

Since this is just a workout program review, we’re only going to touch on the basics of what this routine actually consists of. If you really want to see what this program is all about, we suggest you make the investment and try it for yourself.

First off, this is considered a high-frequency full-body routine.

Each day of the program has a specific focus (like chest or legs), but you’ll be hitting every muscle group nearly every day of the week through secondary movements.

Workouts will start out with one of the major lifts (like deadlifts or overhead presses) and then follow-up with more minor exercises at a lower intensity.

Every week calls for 5 workouts and 2 rest days.


This routine is broken down into two blocks, each one lasting four weeks.

Block 1 is about getting your muscles used to the routine. Week by week, you’ll begin bumping up your RPE (intensity) and the number of reps you’re doing as your body begins to adapt.

By block 2, you’re ready to step it up a notch. Block 2 is about actually building pure strength with each workout and faster than before.

You’ll notice a bit more variation in exercises to keep your workouts brand new and interesting. Every week will be more tiring and intense than the last, but that’s to guarantee gains.

Deloading & AMRAP Testing

Week 9 is considered a deloading week.

And, before you freak out about taking it easy for a week, consider what a deload week is for. Deloading is meant to bring your muscles back to full strength through recovery.

You’re going to need this recovery period by week 10, which is your AMRAP testing week. This is where you’ll see in numbers just how much your strength has improved since week 1, day 1.

If you’re still seeing gains, return to week 1 and start over again!

The Layout of the Document

So, you’re probably most worried about the exercises, sets, and reps that work for Jeff Nippard.

But, given Nippard’s experience in the gym and in the classroom, you’re getting much more than the barebones of a routine when you purchase this program.

Brace yourself, this document is 106 pages long.

In addition to each workout broken down in-depth (including notes and tips for literally every exercise), here’s what you’ll find in the document:

  • An explanation behind the theories of the program
  • Anatomy explaining what each muscle does and the exercises that target each
  • Frequently asked questions (because you’re going to have a ton along the way)
  • Warm-up suggestions
  • Analytical data about how many sets you’re doing for each muscle group
  • The importance of safety and good form
  • Exercise substitutes and video demonstrations

It’s safe to say that any questions you have about this routine will be answered somewhere in the document. Anything you want to know about the ins and outs of this routine is available.

5 Benefits of Jeff ’s Program

1. Pure Education

Anyone can make a workout program and post it to online forums for all to see. But, it’s near-impossible to find a routine where the creator uses actual science to back up their claims.

Nippard does just that.

Inside this workout program, you’ll find a pretty extensive anatomy section that reviews just about every muscle group in the body.

So, why is this important?

Well, aside from proving that serious thought was put into each workout, you can also get an in-depth understanding of why you’re doing each exercise.

For example, you know that leg curls hit the hamstrings. Taking a look at this anatomy section can help you to understand where the hamstrings are, what they actually do in terms of movements, and how you can hit them directly.

It’s time to stop blindly picking workout routines and doing one that makes scientific sense.

2. Exercise Substitutions Available

We’ve all seen it.

You find a workout routine online that looks like it can target every goal that you have in the gym. But, when you ask if you can swap in other exercises, you get the old, “You can, but it’ll slow down your gains.”

Nippard understands that not everyone has the right equipment. He also gets that some people have injuries where certain exercises can just be downright painful.

So, he made an exercise substitution list.

Don’t have dumbbells for the dumbbell row? Then, you can do the cable single-arm row instead.

Not only does this give you alternatives to choose from, but it also makes the routine accessible to just about anyone with a desire to bulk up.

3. Working Your Way Into the Routine

Doing too much too soon will end your progress before it even begins. That’s exactly why this routine starts out slow during the first few weeks.

Your first few weeks in block 1 will be pretty tame compared to the last few weeks of block 2.

You’ll start with major exercises (like back squats) at about 82.5% of your 1RM. The rest of your exercises will be at an RPE between 6 and 8, which is pretty mild at first.

You’ll even get about 2-5 minutes of rest between sets.

As the weeks go on, you’ll bump it up to 85%, then 87.5%, and eventually exceed 90%. This is a pretty solid way to work on muscle adaptation and eventually see gains as you adapt.

4. Clearcut Variety

You’ll never realize just how low-quality most online routines are until you see this one. Nope, you won’t be doing the same exact workout twice….ever.

Literally every single workout is different from the next.

For example, some workouts will get you to hit your back with the dumbbell row. Sometimes it’ll be through Pendlay rows, other times from pull-ups.

Now, why does that matter?

Well, a lot of guys don’t switch routines because they’re not seeing gains. Sometimes, you just get tired of doing the same exact workouts every week and get bored.

That means you can actually look forward to your workouts again because it’s always something fresh and exciting.

Plus, this keeps your muscles guessing and can help prevent plateaus.

5. Focus on Safety

The problem with a lot of workout routines is that they have pretty strict guidelines. For example, StrongLifts 5×5 requires you to load up an extra 5 pounds per week on upper body lifts.

Sometimes, your body just isn’t ready for a heavier weight.

Nippard knows that cheating can mean greater gains, but that it might be too risky in terms of safety. That’s why he recommends perfect form for just about every exercise.

The only time you should “cheat” is to get the weight up the first time.

But, you’ll also notice notes in each workout chart explaining some key things to keep in mind when doing the exercise. This will help you to work on perfect form and solid gains.

2 Negatives of This Program

1. Risk of Overtraining

Interestingly enough, Nippard talks about this in-depth inside this program.

Note: If you do this workout as suggested by Nippard (including following the RPE and %1RM guidelines), you won’t overtrain.

But, some guys want to be in the gym 24/7 and leave each workout absolutely drained.

The passion is great, but you’re doing more harm than good, especially with this program considering you’re hitting every muscle just about every day.

For example, if Nippard recommends 85% of your 1RM and you consistently go for 95%, you’re going to start to feel it. And, you’ll probably end up hurting yourself or even reversing gains.

So, follow the guidelines and fight your desire to go hard every time.

It’s okay to give yourself some extra rest days during the first few weeks if you don’t feel ready to get back into the gym. Don’t push yourself past your limits for the sake of safety.

2. Recovery Time

So, there’s no doubt that Nippard knows what he’s talking about and that he applied just about every fitness principle when making this routine.

But, there’s one striking problem since it’s a full-body routine: Recovery time.

Most muscle groups in your body need between 48 and 72 hours of recovery between workouts. This recovery period gives your muscles time to repair and rebuild to full strength.

This program is lacking in that sense.

Even if you’re going light on some days, you might be hitting certain muscle groups 5 days back to back. This can potentially put you at risk for overtraining or even severe soreness.

The fix?

You might want to strategically choose your rest days.

Since you’re given two rest days per week, you might want to squeeze those between really intense workouts where you hit the same muscles back to back.

Jeff Nippard’s Full Body Workout Program Final Recommendation

This High-Frequency Full Body Program is a solid choice when it comes to busting out of plateaus and building muscle like never before. You’ll be pushing your body through high-frequency, high-intensity workouts that your muscles have never experienced before.

And, yes, it’s true! The variety of exercises will hold off a plateau and make repeating this routine back at week 1 a reality and, sometimes, a recommendation.

This routine is 100% built upon legit exercise science principles and isn’t just haphazardly thrown together to see if it works.

But, before you start this routine, consider the risk of possible overtraining. Your body might not be able to handle intense workouts, especially if you’re hitting some muscles 5 days in a row.

Final opinion…..

This is a pretty good routine that’ll get you out of your slump with exciting workouts 5 times a week. But, this routine isn’t a good choice if you’re a true beginner in the gym.

Rating: 9 out of 10

Jeff nippard full body program image
Click the image to check the price of this program.

Click here to check out the High Frequency Full Body Program.

The post Jeff Nippard Full Body Workout Program (Complete Review) appeared first on NOOB GAINS.


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