Jeff Nippard’s Ultimate Body Recomposition Guide [Review]

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You take your physique seriously.

You hit the gym hard five times a week, drain your muscles through absolutely grueling workouts, leave your sessions hardly able to walk, and ramp up your PRs weekly.

But now you’re caught between a rock and a hard place: You feel the results and add more plates to the bar every week, but you’re just not seeing changes when you look in the mirror.

Turns out, your workouts aren’t the problem—it’s how you’re fueling (or not fueling) your body.

Jeff Nippard’s Ultimate Body Recomposition Guide might be able to help you optimize your diet for maximum gains and help you power through workouts better than before.

Let’s find out if this guide is the real deal.

About the Creator – Jeff Nippard

Unless you live under a rock (hey, no judgment these days), you’ve probably heard Jeff Nippard’s name once or twice.

But who is he? And why should you take his word for anything fitness-related?

Here’s what you need to know about him.

Jeff Nippard is a bodybuilder and a powerlifter. The Canadian-born fitness guru has been on the fitness scene since at least 2012 and hasn’t budged in eight years.

At the age of 22, he clinched the title of “Mr. Junior Canada.”

By 24, he held the record for the bench press in Canada.

And by the time he was 30, Nippard had:

  • Over 2.5 million followers/subscribers between YouTube & Instagram
  • Delivered lectures at the University of Iowa & the 2014 Online Fitness Summit
  • Earned a Bachelor of Science in biochemistry
  • Created dozens of science-backed diet and workout plans

Jeff Nippard is quite popular with the youngins in the bodybuilding community. And mostly because he does what others don’t: He makes workout plans backed by science.

All of his nutrition plans, workout plans, and YouTube videos are finished off with sources, citations, and studies to prove what he’s saying is legit.

He’s not just spewing nonsense on the Bodybuilding forums.

And even better, as of a few years ago, his best lifts were:

  • Squat: 502 pounds
  • Deadlift: 518 pounds
  • Bench Press: 336 pounds

So Jeff Nippard is popular, educated, and has proven results for both himself and others. And that’s all you need to know as we go through what this Body Recomposition guide is all about!

What is the Ultimate Guide to Body Recomposition?

Unlike most of Jeff Nippard’s books and guides, his Ultimate Guide to Body Recomposition doesn’t focus on building mass through strength training. Instead, the primary focus is the role that diet and nutrition play in sculpting a ripped or buff physique (whichever is your preference).

Specifically, the goal is body recomposition.

Jeff nippard body recomposition ebook image
Click the image to check the price on Nippard’s website.

Now, body recomposition is essentially the exact opposite of bouncing back and forth between bulk and cut cycles. That might sound like a relief, but we know you have questions.

What is body recomposition?

So the goal of body recomposition (as well as this Jeff Nippard guide) is to help you pack on muscle mass while burning fat, all at the same time.

Within this guide, Nippard will walk you through everything you need to know about body recomposition. That includes everything like what the science says about it (is it even possible?), how to see the best results, and truly understand the dietary changes you make!

Based on what you get from this book, you should be able to:

  • Build muscle
  • Burn fat
  • Adopt a healthy diet (fit with micronutrients, macronutrients, and supplements)
  • Properly fuel your body for workouts
  • Figure out how to turn this into actionable advice (so how it fits into your lifestyle)
  • Learn how to prepare nutritious meals (including sample meal plans!)
  • Discover your true potential

If we know anything about Jeff Nippard and his educational background, this guide will be backed by science and studies.

And lots of them!

Guide Details & Topics

Jeff Nippard’s Ultimate Body Recomposition Guide is as comprehensive as you’d imagine from the guy with a passion for fitness, a biochemistry degree, and a knack for citing his sources.

Here’s the thing:

This guide is entirely too long to go over in-depth, and, for the sake of copyright, we can only go over so much. And trust us, there’s a lot to review—17 chapters worth of information.

So we’re going to go over what you need to know about what’s inside!

A Basic Overview

This body recomp guide’s entire approach isn’t to restrict your calories and limit your food choices to a specific few. Instead, you’ll get some advice on how to fuel your body to reach your goals—whether your goal is to get shredded, go Bear Mode, or just see some extra mass.

And for the sake of seeing progress during body recomposition, Jeff Nippard recommends a few useful tools: A weight scale, a food scale, measuring tape, a camera, and some way to measure your body fat (either skin calipers or a BIA measurement tool).


Whether your goal is to build muscle, burn fat, or aim for something in between (like body recomposition), calories are important. But if you’re still abiding by that 2,000-calorie a day suggestion that you see on food labels, it’s quite clear why you’re struggling to reach goals.

How many calories you need per day will depend on a few factors, which Nippard describes.

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Screenshot from chapter 4.

In the guide, he’ll go over concepts like:

  • Calorie recommendations based on experience, fat levels, and activity levels
  • How your BMR determines your daily caloric requirement
  • How to factor in calories burned through exercise into your daily intake
  • The difference in caloric content between the macros (protein, fat, and carbs)
  • Possible benefits of the linear approach, as compared to cycling
  • Adjusting your caloric intake based on your progress thus far

Even more impressive? Jeff Nippard includes an in-depth guide for calculating each of these factors specifically. So you’ll get a caloric recommendation fit for you and your lifestyle.


Sure, calories are important. But if you’re eating 2,500 calories of pure fat a day, you’re not going to burn fat or bulk up as you want.

Macronutrients might be even more important than your daily calorie count.

Jeff Nippard goes in-depth about content related to carbs, protein, and fat. And it’s well-past the typical nutrition guide’s information like, “Carbs have four calories per gram.”

Take a look at what type of macronutrient (and micronutrient) concepts you’ll learn about:

  • The importance of eating fruits and vegetables to boost your micro intake
  • Recommended protein intake based on lean body mass (not body weight!)
  • The dangers of a no or low-fat diet (i.e., hormonal changes and lack of vitamins)
  • How to calculate your macro intake & calorie requirements (comprehensive chart)
  • Eating high-quality protein sources that get you the most bang for your buck
  • Protein per meal, protein per day, and how many meals to eat per day
  • Fiber requirements and the role of glycemic index in workout performance

Jeff Nippard really drives one key point home: What you’re eating is perhaps even more important than how much you’re eating.

So you’ll probably leave this section of the book rethinking your entire meal plan right now.

Nutrition & Workout Relationship

Let’s face it: You can’t bulk up and burn body fat efficiently just by adjusting your diet a bit. That’s why Jeff Nippard reviews concepts like pre-workout nutrition and how the length of your training sessions may play a role in your nutritional requirements (like pre-workout meals).

He also reviews things like:

  • The essential aspects of hydration (about 1ml per 1kcal)
  • When it’s appropriate to refuel during a workout, such as during hour-long sessions
  • How to refuel during a workout, such as with Gatorade
  • Best ways to recover post-workout via your diet (protein, carb, fat recommendations)

On top of what you’re eating, half of the body recomposition is burning fat. And cardio is often seen as the most efficient way to burn fat, though it’s controversial if you’re looking to bulk up.

So what do you do?

Jeff Nippard goes over how to implement cardio into your current routine without ruining or slowing your gains. He reviews how things like frequency (how often you do cardio), intensity (HIIT isn’t as great for body recomp as steady cardio), and how you do cardio.

You might see better results by just upping your daily step count to over 8,000 a day.

Other Vital Information

Nippard goes well past the concepts of micronutrients, macronutrients, and calories. He also touches on things like supplements, including which ones will really drive a great physique.

Nippard discusses supplements like:

  • Protein powders
  • Creatine
  • Caffeine
  • Multivitamins
  • Green tea
  • L-citrulline

Now we know that the guy uses a lot of these himself to see the results he boasts. But he also reviews studies proving that these supplements truly work and how to best use them.

The whole guide concludes with a few chapters on sleep, how to get quality sleep, how volume impact gains, and rep ranges for max hypertrophy.

4 Awesome Benefits of Nippard’s Guide

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Screenshot from the start of chapter 9.

Busts Through Nutritional Misconceptions

What really makes the Ultimate Body Recomposition Guide stand out among the rest is that it discounts theories and scientifically disproven concepts.

So you don’t have to worry that Nippard is making suggestions because they’re the “norm.” He’s making these recommendations based on the studies and research.

For example, you might assume that a low-fat diet is ideal for muscle growth and fat loss. But, Nippard goes on to explain that a low-fat diet can harm testosterone levels and slow growth.

Or, you might be under the impression that protein is protein. But Nippard knows there’s a lot more to protein, and some sources are better than others, so he discusses some of those!

Makes Complicated Concepts Easy to Understand

Nutrition, anatomy, and physiology are complicated. And even after several college courses in these areas, you still might leave a lecture with your head spinning.

This guide makes complicated concepts easy to understand.

Nippard explains things in scientific words first. He then explains what it means in layman’s terms, has graphs showing what he’s talking about, and even offers first-hand accounts.

You don’t have to worry about him throwing around terms like MPS, leucine, or basal metabolic rate without a simple-to-understand definition to match.

The variation in language makes this book useful for those knowledgeable in nutrition and noobs in the subject area.

Looks Past Nutrition & Exercise

Nutrition is important, exercise is important, and sleep is especially important.

Many guys hit the gym hard and load up on protein, yet are disappointed with their gains or see that they’re still packing on fat.

Nippard knows very well that there’s a third factor to consider: Sleep.

He explains how the number of hours of sleep you get can impact how much muscle you build and how much fat you burn.

And he even provides tips on how to secure 8+ hours of quality sleep a night for max gains.

Acknowledges That Everyone Has Unique Needs

What’s awesome about this guide is that it’s not generic. It’s easy for a fitness pro like Jeff Nippard to suggest what he does, but this guide considers everyone’s unique needs.

Nippard includes easy-to-tackle calculations to figure out how many calories you need a day. And he’ll walk you through determining your macro intake for your ideal results.

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Example meal plan from the book.

So you leave the guide knowing exactly what you need.

You’re not under the impression that 20% of everyone’s diet should come from fat, especially when everyone has a different BMR, varying activity levels, and unique fitness goals.

2 Negatives of the Body Recomposition Guide

No Refund Policy

Will this guide break the bank? For most people, no.

Will you leave disappointed that you didn’t learn how to bulk up and burn fat? Probably not.

But there’s always the chance that both of these ring true for you. And if they do, don’t expect a refund of any sort.

This probably isn’t a deal-breaker, but it’s something worth considering.

Too Much Too Soon

This guide is definitely comprehensive and goes over every nutrition-related topic you could ever need to learn about.

But it might be too much.

It’s nice to have the science and research to support the recommendations that Nippard makes, but finishing the guide will leave you with tons of concepts to consider.

For example, you may now obsess over:

  • Fat, protein, and carb intake
  • Calories (and calculating how many you need as you gain or lose weight)
  • Pre, Intra, and post-workout nutrition
  • How many hours of sleep you’re getting
  • Supplements
  • The foods you eat, when you eat, and exactly what’s in each

These are all essential topics, but keeping a close eye on these may lead your entire life to revolve around them.

Wrapping Up This Ultimate Guide to Body Recomposition Review

The Ultimate Guide to Body Recomposition from Jeff Nippard is definitely worth writing home about, as it’ll delve deep into all nutrition-based concepts that you never knew existed.

You’ll learn how to fuel your body properly, what goes into building the perfect physique, and how to take control of your gains.

Plus, everything you get from the guide will be tailored to your needs.

But this guide definitely isn’t for everybody. The major downsides include the lack of refund policies and the fact that it may be way too in-depth for the average guy.

Ultimately, you won’t find a guide as well-written and relatable as this. So if you’re serious about body recomposition, then it’s well worth the investment.

Rating: 9.5 out of 10

Check the price of Jeff Nippard’s recomposition guide here.

The post Jeff Nippard’s Ultimate Body Recomposition Guide [Review] appeared first on NOOB GAINS.


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