
When to Start Cutting for Summer (Beginner’s Guide)

Every year, as spring begins drawing to a close and the first signs of summer are on the horizon, you can count on two things: The evenings will get longer and lighter, and gyms will start filling up with people looking to get “beach body” ready. Now, as we come out the other side and summer fades into our rear-view for another year, the majority who failed to achieve their goals will start bringing out tired tropes like “there’s no point now” and “next year.” The question you need to ask yourself though is, “Why wait?” In order to ensure that you do, in fact, reach your beach body goals by next summer, it’s essential you work out exactly how long you need to achieve them. That’s why, today, I’m going to help you determine exactly when to start cutting for summer, so you don’t find yourself in the same position this time next year. What Is Cutting? Cutting refers to the removal of excess body fat through a combination of exercise and diet. The term originates from bodybuild

5 Tips to Turn Soft Muscles into Dense Hard Muscles

Do you find yourself spending hours at the gym, but not seeming to develop that physique you’re after? So many people slave away, building their strength and size, but still aren’t happy with what they see in the mirror. While the bodybuilders and fitness models in magazines always look so hard and ripped, they find they have a softer, less emphatic physique. Now the bad news is some of that will come down to genetics, which, unfortunately, we can’t do anything about. Don’t get disheartened, though, as there is still plenty we can do to get you where you want to go, and my 5 tips to turn soft muscles into dense, hard ones will be a good first step to push you in the right direction. #1. Diet OK, let’s get the elephant in the room dealt with early. You’ve probably heard the phrase “abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym,” right? Well, that’s true for any muscle, not just your abs. No matter how hard you train, if you haven’t got your diet tailored to your needs, you’ll basi

9 Resistance Band Shoulder Exercises for Bigger Delts

Have you always dreamt of getting those boulder shoulders you see on bodybuilders, but something was holding you back? Is the gym always too busy? Do you struggle to fit it into your schedule and have to prioritize bigger muscle groups? Well, if that sounds like you, then I might have just what you’re looking for. Today I’ll be taking you through 9 resistance band shoulder exercises, designed to give you the bigger delts you’re longing for, that you can do in the comfort of your own home. All you need is a little drive, a set of resistance bands, and a little know-how. #1. Military Press Where else to start on an article like this than with the granddaddy of shoulder exercise? Designed to build both your front and side delts, this will hit your shoulders harder than anything else around. Stand with your feet together on the middle of the band. Grip the handles and raise them to shoulder height. Your elbows should be tucked into your sides and your hands just outside s

Does Pre-Workout Break a Fast? (And Does It Matter?)

When it comes to the world of fitness, everyone wants to see results as quickly as possible. Everywhere you turn, celebrities, athletes, and trainers are telling you about “the best way” to achieve your goals. This frequently leads to people trialing new supplements, fad diets, and fashionable workouts, desperately trying to find one that gives them that “quick fix” they’ve been looking for. But what happens when you try two options that not only don’t work together, but could potentially negate the effects of the other altogether? Well, that’s what we’re going to be discussing today, as I’m going to look at whether or not taking a pre-workout supplement breaks your fast, and if so, does it actually matter? Before we get started, though, let’s quickly go over what fasting and pre-workouts actually are. What Is Fasting? Fasting is a period in which someone goes without consuming food, and often even goes as far as abstaining from fluids as well. While this has long been utiliz

Resistance Band Squats: Building Strong Legs & Glutes

Unpopular opinion : You don’t need a squat rack, a barbell, and a bunch of 45-pound weight plates to do squats. Still with us? Alright, good. Resistance band squats might not be the ideal way to build muscular legs and glutes. But they’ll do in a pinch when the gym is closed, or you simply don’t want to leave the house. Leg day is absolutely still on! So keep reading to learn all there is to know about resistance band squats. How To Do a Resistance Band Squat At some point during your training, you’ve probably used resistance bands for basic lightweight exercises like bicep curls or standing tricep extensions. But a high weight exercise like squats? YEP! Resistance band squats can be a game-changer in your at-home leg workouts. And whether you have a loop-shaped band or one with handles, you can still reap the same benefits. So let’s go step-by-step through a few of these variations. Loop Resistance Band Squat (Step-By-Step) Before you start this exercise, let’s do a